Knishes Make A Hit at Book Expo!
Just back from Book Expo book signing! Maybe the knish is going to be the new hot food! What fun! Sorry we didn't get a photo of the line...

What Would Stanley Hayami Write in His Diary About Memorial Day 2018
Remembering Stanley Hayami on this Memorial Day and wondering what he would write in his diary in 2018 as our government tears children...

Bookmarks, Knishes and My Book Expo Signing
Last year, just before The Knish War on Rivington Street went to press, I re-learned the lesson about being careful of what you wish for....

My Two Minutes at JBC
Did my two minute sales pitch at the Jewish Book Council's Meet the Author event yesterday. Not many children's authors were on the...

Childhood Books Cast a Long Shadow
Writers of children’s books often get letters from children “by-the-class-full”—letters that teachers have their students write. I always...